RSS Weaver, Webmaster software from Allan Cockerill's Software Kings!


You've reached Allan Cockerill's!

RSS Weaver - An RSS to HTML Editor - Automatic Web Content Builder!

Adding rss feeds to your web pages can dramatically increase your search
engine ratings, and automatically update your web content as well! Not being
able to do the coding is no problem, as this program does it all for you! Easy!

To find out more, click here to go to RSS Weaver!


Allan Cockerill - Blogger and Podcaster

Introducing Allan Cockerill

Allan Cockerill is a Writer who works as a Webmaster and Marketer!

Based in Bathurst, NSW Australia, Allan writes about a number of topics,
and is known as a commentator on social networking and marketing news.

You can contact Allan here!

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Copyright Allan Cockerill 2008